What It Feels Like Using Facebook Dating in the Philippines

So, Facebook Dating, huh?

Dating online isn’t really a new trend for a lot of people, especially for millennials and Gen-Z. In an era where everything is on the web, it’s no surprise that people are finding the love of their lives online, too. So when Facebook suddenly announced Facebook Dating, I wasn’t really surprised.

“The Future is Private.”

The social media giant has added a dating feature on its platform. Its announcement on the F8 2019 event had people talk about this new functionality which was rumored to be better than its similar competitors.

Facebook Dating (or at least Mark Zuckerberg) promises a safer online dating experience for its users around the world.

With the convenience of the social networking site, users can establish connections with their “crushes” and people can easily filter the ones they like without paying for any amount, unlike most of the dating apps today.

Using dating apps

I have used a good number of dating apps before, so I’m quite familiar on their features, selling points, and even the overall app culture (by that I mean the culture and behavior of people using the app).

A week ago, I started using Facebook dating and have matched with a bunch of people online. I wanted to see for myself to see what Facebook Dating has to offer.

I think using these apps to find love is a valid avenue for anyone who wants to expand their horizons in dating. An interconnected world opens a lot of doors for people (all over the world) to meet and get to know each other. It’s a backward thought if people still see online dating as an act of “desperation” for people who can’t find love locally or within their circles.

Everyone has the liberty to love people online, we can’t take that away from them just because it doesn’t sit well with us.

[Although, I recognize that as it opens horizons, online dating is susceptible to superficiality. A lot of people are only there looking for hookups. So date at your own risk.]

I also tried the app because I was waiting to match with my Facebook friends (and my real life crush) if they will appear on my timeline or will match with me.

In a few days of using Facebook Dating, here are the pros and cons I listed about the new feature:


Simple Interface

For me, usability is a big factor. I appreciated that it’s just an option in Facebook’s app itself. I am not too sure if this feature can be downloadable like their Pages Manager, Camera, and other features, but I like that it’s super simple and won’t need me to download a separate app for it (because the Facebook app itself takes a lot of internal phone storage space, to be honest).

It has three tabs where you can check out people’s profiles, people interested in you, and your conversations. You can accept their “interest” in you and once you replied back to them, you can chat with each other.

Group and Event Matches

Your preferences in the dating feature are not only limited to people near your area. You can also find matches from the Facebook group where you belong, as well as events that you attend for further interest matches.

This option is a plus factor for me because if you find profiles with the same interests as yours, it’s easier to match with them.

Who wouldn’t love to get to know someone with hobbies or interests similar to yours? (I’d love to meet someone with similar interests with me, at the very least, because we immediately have something to talk and bond about).

Account Privacy

What I like about Facebook Dating is the inability of users to screen capture your profile and messages. It’s similar to e-wallet accounts and Netflix features that prohibit users to snapshot the content of your account.

I guess it’s more secure that way, even though I know people can get creative in trying to capture the details. (They might even straight up take a picture of the screen just to get the details.)

Of course, there will be a good number of people that will find this extremely beneficial (especially cheaters who wanted to match with other users without their partners knowing about it. loljk) because it’s an added security that whatever message you sent will not be screen captured.

Still, it’s not as secure as Snapchat which wipes out your messages after 24 hours and will let you know if someone takes a screenshot, replayed, or saved your messages.


Lower Expectations

Facebook is the social media platform most Filipinos use. So if you have a specific type, don’t expect to find that kind of person easily at Facebook Dating. You can’t specially calibrate your preferences. So you will certainly come across people working at “SWAG University”, or “Krusty Krab” or, “E di sa Puso Mo” (not really my type).

Personally, I didn’t really expect too much. I was just waiting to see if any of my Facebook friends will “crush” on me or if they will appear on my feed at all (so I can tease them a little bit haha).

No additional features

Since it has a really simple interface, not many people will find it exciting. If you’re looking for complex dating apps that can help you personalize your preferences almost completely, you’re looking at the wrong place.

Aside from the great options of matching on events and groups, it’s just a typical dating app with three tabs for your interest, people interested in you, and your conversations. But hey, at least, there are no annoying ads that pop out everywhere.

Dummies everywhere

Just like any other dating app, there will be dummies. Beware of suspicious profiles without much details on their profiles because they are probably trying to catfish people. And also, there are a lot of dummy profiles on Facebook anyway, so just be cautious and wary (there might be a lot of predators, cheaters, and bad people on the app). Again, online date at your own risk.

Question on surveillance and privacy

We all know that Facebook doesn’t have a good history when it comes to privacy and security. Remember March 2018, when they were exposed because they gave tons of data (I mean like 50 Million users’ data) saved without the permission of users that were allegedly accessed by Cambridge Analytica?

Apparently, 2018 has been a bad year for Facebook. In June, there was a bug that “caused a glitch” which published the posts of 14 million users that were intended to be private. Then, September of the same year, almost 15 million accounts were hacked during a security breach, enabling hackers to access and steal personal data of Facebook’s massive users.

They have saved everything you posted on Facebook, even when you deleted them a long time ago, even your supposedly private chats and conversations. This is part of the reason why Facebook (along with other social networking sites) have revised their privacy policies. There is now an option for its users to have a “private chat.”

Tiffsy Review

Facebook Dating is a good feature for those who wish to expand their horizons in online dating. With the giant social network integrating a new feature, it will be easier for Filipino users to find the love of their lives online.

To me, it’s a 5/10 as far as I’m concerned, mostly because of the lack of personalization options, user demographics, and security options, but it still depends on your personal preference. And it’s sad I didn’t find any mutual friend there. (I guess I just don’t like most of the people that appear on my feed lol.)

Whether it’s Facebook Dating or any other online dating apps, always remember to be cautious of predators, dummies, and catfishers who will do you no good. Make sure you’re not compromising your safety in dealing with potential partners online.

Have you used Facebook Dating? What are your thoughts about Facebook’s new feature? Share them with me in the comments!

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